Nothing absolutely terrible; she just wasn't moving around and poking about as much as she usually does. This got me all worried. What's stopping her?
It was her 3rd day of reduced movement (down to about maybe 10 times a day), and I decided a visit to the hospital was in order to keep any sanity that's left. There, she showed me just how naughty she is.
Once this heart rate monitor got strapped on her, she kicked at it like mad! She went crazy on that thing and I just could not stop laughing (the nurses might have gotten a bit nervous). Her heartbeat was beautiful tho very racehorse-like, and I recorded it. The parts where she kicked the monitor are very clear; they sound like someone tapping a microphone, and sometimes very angrily so haha. Probably us disturbing her 3-day laze must have riled her up!
This whole experience plus a visual scan (she was kicking at the detector this time) and peace of mind cost the husband and I SGD332. I almost blacked out when the hospital cashier told me this but managed to keep going by thinking about how much I need to bitch about government hospital charges to the family. How do people who make less than we do afford it? Do the ladies stay home and cross their fingers each time something worrisome happens? Looks like money can buy peace (of mind)!
Not long more now; been 27.5 weeks with you so far. :)